About ten years ago (give or take), I sat at brunch with a group of friends spewing my dream of opening a store. We were all relatively fresh out of college and I was personally struggling through the first year of adult life. Broke, confused and unhappy with the first job I took… and the second one. The pressure we put on ourselves to “figure it all out” in our early 20s was completely overwhelming. I remember explaining the Pinterest-board inspiration flying through my head, not even getting it right. I doubt if it will ever even happen, I said.
I can recall that conversation at brunch vividly because over the next decade (give or take), I’d replay it over and over in my head. So what if it doesn’t happen until you’re 30, one of my friends responded. So what? It sounded like a nightmare to have to wait that long. If it even happened at all.
I’m approaching my 33rd trip around the sun and… guess what. I’ve opened a store. An online shop, Pointed North. Lovingly named after this space that catapulted me into the realm. The distant dream has become a reality.

Pointed North Shop
Pointed North – a women’s clothing shop dedicated to uncomplicated, trendy clothing.
It’s no secret I’m a fan of minimal, simplistic style. Heavily influenced by Northern European lifestyles, I wanted to integrate that idea into my brand. Just as I’ve done here on the blog. It felt natural to brand these two spaces the same as they’re both pure extensions of who I am and what I believe in.
I believe in quality. I want clothes at affordable prices. And I enjoy staying on track with current trends. I consider myself a modern woman (over 30) who doesn’t need any fuss. We should be able to look great and feel great. These are my requirements while sourcing pieces to add to the shop. Finding great brands that align with my ideals has been the greatest joy & will continue to be the backbone of my business.
Follow the shop on Instagram for more background and daily stories.
Come along for the ride
A long, long journey, but I’m finally here. Big moments like this often make me reflect on timing. Had I taken the plunge a decade ago, the adventure would have looked much different. The stars aligned, the universe heard my pleas. And those pleas weren’t necessarily for this specific dream to come true. It was more desperation to fill a void.
Not a void of boredom – I’m currently balancing a stay-at-home-mom role, this space and the shop. But even while happily employed full-time in the past, I experienced a pull for something different. The craving to build on my own has always been there and I suspect always will be.
Less than two weeks in, I’ve already called myself crazy numerous times. But I’ve never felt more satisfied with that actual work I get to put into this project. My little shop.
I’m so excited for the future – whatever it may be. I hope you join me for the ride.

You can find the shop over at www.shoppointednorth.com and also on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.
Thank you in advance for all the support – the simplest double tap goes a long ways.
xoxo. B