ONE YEAR. What a milestone. For him, for us. Waking up to Emmett being a whole year old on Sunday was truly surreal. I swear he immediately looked more like a little boy than a baby. My nostalgia was probably to blame. A good amount of the day was spent watching videos from the past year. From remembering those blurry hospital days to watching him smile and giggle at dad, I’m so glad we captured those moments. You can watch a highlight reel here. Because of the windy, cold day that Sunday was, we spent most of it inside watching football and playing with his new toys. The feeling I couldn’t shake wasn’t sadness because of how fast the time went, but more disbelief and awe at how much Emmett has grown in one short year.
We brought E home at a mere 6 pounds, no fat on him whatsoever. He was so fragile and dependent. We were so unsure and nervous. I was vulnerable from recovery. Those early days are what make this milestone feel so important.
The little boy running around today is fearless, determined and independent. We’ve got a wild one on our hands. Exactly what I hoped and prayed for. Full of life. The parents chasing him around today have come a long way… we’re still unsure and nervous at times, but finding our footing. Emmett has taught us so much. A true journey for everyone.

I could write for days about the ups and downs of this first year. For him, for us. But instead, I’ve decided to focus on the bright future ahead.
What we wish for you, buddy…
Embrace your undeniable curiosity. Continue to be brave. Stay happy. Be kind. Your determination will take you places, don’t let fear hold you back. Never lose that look of wonder in your eyes, remember there’s always something to discover. Never let yourself down. And always and forever… keep your head in the clouds, your feet on the ground. We feel so lucky to be the ones who get to watch you chase your dreams.
We love you, little E.

Our family photos were taken by the incredible L.E. Photo Design. Lori is amazing!
xoxo. B