I’m trying really hard not to be a cliche and say “wow, these six months have gone so fast!”. …….. Some days it really does seem like yesterday we brought Emmett home. But other days, I realize how much has changed over these last six months and just how much we’ve been through. We are far from experts at this parenting thing. It feels like we still learn something every single day, but when it comes to baby products, it didn’t take long for us to find a few key items we can’t live without.
For a while, it seemed we were ordering from Amazon once a week, trying new products for all sorts of needs. Now, besides thinking about new ways to keep him entertained, we’ve really narrowed down our favorites. Six months is such a fun age. He’s interactive, giggling all the time, exploring new things and still loves to snuggle once in a while. I’m holding onto those calm moments as much as possible because once this little boy starts moving, I have a feeling we’ll never catch him.

For Play Time
I could watch Emmett play all day. Discovering new things, improving skills he’s learning, laughing at the most simple of things. Throughout the day, we seem to rotate between three tools – the Baby Bjorn bouncer, the Skip Hop activity center & the Loveevery Play Gym. He has a few favorite small toys as well. Like the Skip Hop unicorn cell phone he’s oddly obsessed with. I couldn’t tell you why. It was an early gift & now that he can hold it, he can’t get enough. He also prefers to play with those simple, cheap link clips over almost everything. The entertainment definitely doesn’t need to be fancy.
For Sleeping
It’s true, parents will try anything to get their babies to sleep better. Even though Emmett has technically been a pretty good sleeper from the beginning, losing sleep hit us hard & we became desperate to lengthen those hours between wakes. I was pretty adamant about staying away from swings and other devices that aid sleep. I was terrified he would become dependent on them & never sleep in his crib. Instead, we did the Doc-a-tot (graciously gifted to us), swaddles (this one is the best) and a cushion from Leachco that he naps in to this very day. He loves it! We had him in his crib by 6 weeks, which I was also adamant about. Obviously, that comes with it’s own set of worries, so the Owlet has been a lifesaver (& sleep saver) for both of us.
On The Go
We thought we’d be “on the go” a little more than we have been. Covid-19 changed those plans, but regardless, we’ve used & loved all these items at some point in the last six months. The Nuna stroller & carseat are 100% worth it. In my opinion anyway. It’s a good price for a very functional, minimal and lightweight set up. Cleverly designed and looks nice – we’re beyond happy with it. The Herschel diaper bag is definitely not common, but so much fits inside! It’s his main bag for travel or going to Grandmas. I recommend having a big option like that, plus a backpack to throw in the car on the daily. I spent more on the Herschel bag & then $20 on a backpack from Amazon, which I get compliments on all the time. People don’t even realize it’s a diaper bag!
In His Closet
Emmett came home weighing six pounds so the first month or two of his life, we pretty much had him in sleepers the entire time. Once he started actually fitting into some of the other items we bought him, I quickly realized comfort should reign over everything. I’ve ordered most of his clothes from H&M’s baby selection. They have the perfect basics at such good prices. Their socks are great, too & actually stay up! Beyond that, I fell in love Kate Quinn Shop. I stumbled upon the online boutique via Instagram and ordered a few bamboo fabric pieces. Holy moly, they feel like butter! I love putting Emmett in them at bedtime. We also could not survive without Copper Pearl burp cloths. The fleece lining doesn’t compare to anything else.
xoxo. B