I finally had five minutes of quiet yesterday morning. My office put a work-from-home policy in place & after dropping Emmett off at daycare, then catching up on emails, I finally sat back with my cup of coffee and just… sat. It had been raining all morning and birds happily chirped. Our lamps were on and my blinds were open. A very somber, but comforting ambiance. No radio or TV on with the recent news. Everything almost felt normal.
But it’s not.
Our world is in such a weird state of uncertainty. Iowa officially followed suit in shutting down bars, restaurants and many public areas, hopefully making the last of the “non-believers” jump on board so we can kick Covid-19 outta here sooner than later. Most everyone I know is working from home by order or because kids are out of school. It truly feels like we’re living in a movie.
That five minutes of solitude was what I needed to realize the weight we’re all carrying on our shoulders.
Most probably don’t even realize. I didn’t. But between the constant news updates, the worrying, the social distancing, it’s a lot to take in at once. Everything has changed so quickly. We all want this to be over. I personally believe the more effort we put in right this second, the sooner we’ll all recover.
That being said, I bet most of you are now in your homes, working remotely or taking care of your family. Just coming off maternity leave about a month ago (so crazy), I know how cabin fever has a way of creeping in. Some of you are still working a full day and some are balancing mom + work life under one roof. Whatever your situation, hopefully these little tidbits can help you overcome that feeling of isolation while we be socially responsible & distance ourselves from others.

Open your windows every morning
Whether it’s just to let light in or if the weather cooperates for a nice breeze, this will change the entire atmosphere of your home. While home with Emmet in those first few weeks, every window in our house let natural light in & it kept me so much more sane.
Don’t just Netflix + chill
Move your body, stretch, read a book, clean your junk drawer, put on make up, style an outfit, play a game, dance it out. Seriously, anything but turning on that TV. You’ll have plenty of screen time, but these other activities will make your day feel so much more productive which leads to less stress. Even if you’re logged into work, a 15 minute stretching break will get your blood flowing & make you feel refreshed.
Go outside
It’s funny how we have to remind ourselves the outdoors are still safe. We want to avoid crowds, not the fresh air! Take your work to the patio or go on a walk around your neighborhood. We don’t have to stay indoors every minute of the day, thank goodness.
Turn off the news
I soaked up all sorts of news while on maternity leave, but I’m starting to realize the importance of checking out as of late. Staying in the know is super important but also super easy to get information overload. No one needs any more excess stress. I took the day off from media yesterday and wow, it sure helped my mental state.
Facetime your friends
A social distancing must! We’re not meeting for coffee, so why not hop on a Facetime call? Or Skype, or whatever app you have available. Even a “how are you” text goes a long way right now. Support systems are so important and everyone still needs each other… just from a distance.
How are you dealing with the social distancing? We’re all in this together.
xoxo. B
These are great tips! If the weather cooperates, getting fresh air/daily walks with Finn have helped me a lot. I also think it’s important to stay informed but know when it’s time to step away from it all – for the most part, I’ve opted to keep the T.V. off and have music on all day!
Hope you guys are staying safe and well!