What a week. I turned 31 and we officially made it to the 38th week of pregnancy. Thinking all the way back to this past spring makes me feel a little dizzy with emotion. And a little nauseous remembering that first trimester. Ugh. I can’t complain too much because our little guy has been pretty nice to his mama.
I was really dreading these last few weeks. I dreaded the idea of being so uncomfortable, gaining those last few pounds, swelling, all the glorious side effects of carrying a baby this long. And while I’m definitely uncomfortable, tired and swollen, this has surprisingly been my favorite part. It’s hard to put into words but there’s something very intimate about the recent weeks. The worry of a preterm baby goes away. To-do and shopping lists get much shorter. Things begin to slow down & you realize you have precious moments to enjoy before this life-changing event. So you enjoy them. At least that has been our experience… and I’m very grateful for it.

I made the decision in October to slow down as my pregnancy progressed. I knew eventually I would need a complete break. It’s amazing how fast time went and all of a sudden, I’m writing my last blog post before our due date.
We’re very excited. We’re very nervous. Normal things. I’m looking forward to disconnecting a bit to adjust to this new life ahead of us. Don’t worry, I’ll be back. I think it’s going to be weird not posting regularly and knowing me, I’ll want to get going again sooner than later.
Until next time.
xoxo. B
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Congratulations hun, wishing you a very healthy and peaceful delivery xx
Thank you so much! We ended up in the hospital 3 hours after I finished this post & our boy was born 3 hours after that! Everything went smooth & we’re all healthy & happy!
Oh wow, congratulations are in order! 💕 I am so happy to hear that both mum and lil bubba are doing well. Such exciting times ahead! Do take care of yourself and can’t wait to join you on this new journey of yours. Lots of love ❤️
Well, a congrats is already in order for you! I’m so glad that you were able to embrace and enjoy those last couple weeks in your pregnancy. Now, onto the fun part! 🙂 Hope everything is going well!
Just sayin’,
Thank you so much Karly! It has been the craziest week of my entire life, but we’re learning and growing & having fun :). Can’t wait to share more soon!