While doing my daily Pinterest scroll recently, I came across an interesting quote. “Eliminate instead of organize”. Totally random, not related to anything I was seeking, but man, did I feel this. I quickly added it to my quotes board and went searching for the origin. It’s one of those things that instantly got me thinking & I put in the back of my mind for later.
I pride myself in being a very organized person (in most senses). My day-to-day life of working full-time and running this side biz depends on making lists, sticking to a calendar, scheduling to-dos and planning, planning, planning. I frequently tell myself to stay organized & everything will work out. But the thing is, sometimes a person just needs to stop. Or at least hit pause.
And cancel that magazine subscription.
Here’s the thing about my overall pregnancy experience. Never have I ever felt so mentally overwhelmed. Hormones have a lot to do with it, I know. But there are decisions and things to do on the daily. Whether it’s remembering to grab another pack of diapers while at Target to stock-pile, discussing daycare expenses or learning about how much I’ll need (yes, mamas, take care of yourself too!) postpartum, it’s always something. So when T got home the other night & randomly told me he cancelled a magazine subscription that he never reads anymore, I thought… yes. Eliminate.

What I’m trying to say is this. Life gets crazy and many people feel like the more you have, the more you do, the more fulfilled you’ll feel. I don’t think that’s always the answer. You might already know I’m somewhat of a minimalist. “Stuff” seems to stress me out more and more – clothes are definitely the exception. So maybe it is simply cancelling a subscription or maybe it’s something bigger like stepping down from a volunteer role to free up your weeknights. Or saying no to dinner with friends because you just need some down time. Whatever it may be, don’t shy away from simplicity. No matter how organized and “put-together” you already are. That unused magazine only adds to the pile of mail you have to organize later.
So… am I really inspired to eliminate?
Well, I’ve thought a lot about how to get through the next 7 weeks and beyond. How to appreciate the quality time with T while we have it, knock off the last-minute menacing to-dos & soak in the excitement we have for the future. And the answer is to eliminate… but not completely. I’m staying active on here and on social media because I would feel lost without writing & sharing. It’s a creative outlet I’ve come to truly cherish. But I am going to eliminate the expectation of myself to “do it all”. It “all” has just gotten to be too much.
Starting next week, my blog posting schedule will drop to 2 times per week and by mid-November, I’ll be taking a hiatus until little mister decides to make his debut. Social media can take a backseat, only posting when I can or feel like it. Pressure off, without giving up something I love.
Maybe eliminating expectations is enough… we’ll see.
What do you think? Are you an organizer who can see yourself eliminating? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
xoxo. B