My mentality about self-care changed almost immediately after I found out I was pregnant. Not that I was doing a bad job of it beforehand, but there’s always room for improvement. After struggling with fatigue at the beginning and being super cautious in those first few months, I decided to take steps to stay healthy during pregnancy. Below I’m sharing what I have discovered to work best for me.

Keep moving
One of my biggest fears going into pregnancy was the idea of becoming immobile. I knew it would come with a side effect of slowing down, but I’m terrified of bed rest or so much pain/weight gain that I can’t move. The last few weeks not included, because obviously there’s some serious stress on your body at that point. Anyway… one of the biggest things I’ve pushed myself to do is keep moving. Keep walking, keep doing yoga, do some light weights a couple times a week and keep running errands, cleaning, etc. Life per usual with the occasional extra-long break now and then. I am in pain sometimes and I slow down when my body tells me to. But, I sleep better after an active day and I feel so much better overall (baby, too!).
Daily stretching
Oh my, stretching has never been more important. I’m experiencing some severe growing pains (literally) in my hips and lower back. All to be expected, but it hit me hard a few weeks ago. Nightly leg cramps have also begun as pressure increases. Stretching right before bed, before and after walking and doing some easy yoga poses multiple times a week has helped me tremendously. If I don’t stretch, I’m guaranteed to wake up even more often at night to re-situate. Stretch, people! It’s so important.
Asking all the questions
Honestly, there may not be a better way to stay healthy than asking all the questions. My doctor visits are 4 weeks apart right now and T and I make the most of each appointment, asking question after question. We really lucked out with our doctor. She’s super patient & amazingly helpful. All doctors should be! It’s a scary thing to go through for the first time & knowledge is the one thing that helps me instantly calm down. I also use The Bump app which provides insight on all sorts of topics – some I wouldn’t even think about.
Healthy food choices (mostly)
I haven’t had a lot of cravings. At the very beginning, sour or citrus flavors tasted best, but ever since hitting the second trimester, nothing really stands out. I’ve pretty much kept up with my regular eating habits, adding in a few extra healthy options along the way. I actually cooked salmon at home which was unheard of before. Mangos are also a newbie & make a regular appearance. But so does chocolate (thankfully, because it tasted horrible in the first trimester!) If something sounds good, I eat it. I haven’t cut anything out, but the little man sure does make me more conscious about a balanced diet. Reading about how much my choices affect his growth & development even before birth has me thinking twice about each meal.
More “quiet” time
Healthy doesn’t always involved eating habits or exercise. Even before this life-changing event, my quiet time was imperative. I’m a true introvert. I didn’t think it could ever become more necessary but it officially has. I actually schedule free time in my planner – nights where I can read instead of blog or clean. Weekends I can squeeze in some extra couch time or a longer walk with Coop. There has been a lot going on this summer outside of this announcement, so staying sane is crucial to staying healthy. I’m looking forward to a quieter fall & even more “me” or “us” time before baby arrives. Maine, here we come!
xoxo. B