What do you get when you mix an architecture genius mom, Microsoft corporate in Seattle, a trip to Antartica and a kind, bright teenager? As a matter of fact, you get… Where’d You Go, Bernadette. A fun little novel that sucked me right in after going back and forth, back and forth on whether or not to read it.
As you may remember from my “to read” list for this year, the scales tipped in Bernadette’s favor when I realized the book will hit the big screen in August. Typically I don’t let that sway my opinion, but since they cast the amazing Cate Blanchett as the lead, I absolutely couldn’t resist. Side note – avoid the movie trailers until you read the book! I feel it gives too much away & the story is a bit rearranged. But the movie looks fantastic regardless. This is simply a book you must read before seeing the movie!

The Story
Where’d You Go, Bernadette is a spunky novel set around a big trip to Antartica that Bernadette, her husband and her daughter are planning over the holidays. Surrounding those plans are her husband’s long hours at Microsoft, her daughter’s plans to attend private school the following year and Bernadette’s mysterious past as an architect in Los Angeles. All of which come crashing down at some point. Beyond that, Bernadette struggles with the social scene in Seattle – mostly anything involving other parents from her daughter’s school. All of whom disagree with everything Bernadette does.
The novel explores love, patience, how people deal with gossip and how unaware we can be of other people’s behavior and what it all really means. Bernadette (the character & the story) grabbed my attention on page one & the pages turned quickly. It’s just a fun, heart-warming, kind of funny & kind of sad adventure from beginning to end. I was able to read most of it on our trip to Florida & thought it was the perfect story for vacation. Or even this summer! No matter what you do, read it before August.
Grab the book here:
xoxo. B
Thanks for your feedback on this one! I feel like I’ve had it on my reading list forever but have never gotten around to it. I’ll have to change that this summer!
Just sayin’,
Karly @ What Karly Said
You will love this book, I just know it! Definitely a good summer read!