You already know I’m not big on resolutions. So when I started seeing a trend (new to me) of women choosing a new word for the new year, I was inspired. A personal word of the year. Something that describes your outlook for 2019 which you can call upon on your daily life, while making decisions or maybe not. After hearing about the idea, I immediately knew I wanted to choose a word instead of writing down resolutions.
The idea of choosing one word to guide you through the next year is pretty simple. If you are hoping to work on your fitness or health in 2019, you could choose “well-being” or simply “healthy” as your word. Maybe you’re working towards something big at work or in your personal life and your word is “strive” or “dream”. My personal interpretation of this tactic is to choose a word that you can apply to every facet of your life. The word should guide you through the ups and downs of the year and be a breadcrumb for when you stray from the path. Because we’re human, and that happens.
So I assume you want to know what my word is. And obviously, I’m willing to share. I’m really excited about this word and I put a lot of thought into it. 2019 is going to be a different year for T and I, I can just feel it. There are more openings in our calendar than ever before. We’ve worked really hard to hit some financial goals and have plans to exceed them within the next 365. We turned 30 and for some reason, all of a sudden feel more settled in our careers, in our home and generally in life. Maybe those two things are unrelated, who knows.
My Word for 2019
Intention. Which is formally defined as “living with intention, ‘a thing intended; an aim or plan'”.
Now, let me explain…
As my birthday approached back in November, I started not only reflecting on my 20s and how much I learned, grew, etc. But I also started thinking about how I plan to approach the next decade. I wanted to be excited about flipping a new page instead of sad about getting older. The one thing I kept coming back to was being more intentional with my life. I spent a lot of time in my 20s trying to figure out who I was. Struggling to find a job I loved. Feeling insecure. Not necessarily taking care of myself all the time or even making time for the relationships I cherish most. Trust me… I had a lot of fun and there were way more ups than downs, but priorities change and I’ve definitely felt a shift in the last year or so.
With all that thinking, plus looking ahead at 2019, it was a pretty easy decision to land on intention as my word for 2019.
I’m hoping to incorporate more intention to all aspects of my daily life. To me, intention isn’t simply having an aim or plan. It’s about having purpose going into work. It’s about being more intentional with my day – getting up early, eating healthier, taking time for myself and also taking better care of every relationship I have. Don’t get me wrong, some days my intention will be to sit on the couch and relax. Because that’s absolutely necessary. But you get the idea, right?
I also want to have more intention when it comes to this space.
When I first started blogging, I had a lot of pent-up creative energy that needed to be let out. I constantly (and still do) have these conversations in my head that need somewhere to go. I love discussion, I have a lot of interests. And my intention was to create a well-rounded space.
Somewhere I strayed a little. Don’t get me wrong – I’m overjoyed by everything Pointed North has become. Fashion, food and travel sum me up pretty well in three simple words. I will absolutely continue sharing outfits – because let’s be real, it’s my favorite – and obviously can’t not give you details on things such as this amazingly cozy turtleneck sweater I’m wearing here. And the heeled hiking boots I pulled out of the back of my closet. But I’m hoping to offer up some more insightful & intentional posts in the future. I want this space to inspire, to create discussion and to continue to develop into something I’m proud of. And I believe being intentional with each and every piece of content I put out there will help me keep moving in the right direction.
So, what do you guys think of having a word of the year? Are you on board, or do you prefer resolutions?
xoxo. B
I absolutely love your word for this year – I think it’s perfect, especially for everything that it stands for and what you intend to do with it. Instead of a word, I’m living by a phrase for this year – more to come. 😉 You already know what a fan I am of you and this space, so I can’t wait to continue to follow along to see what you do with it this year!
LOVE your phrase. I’m going to keep a phrase in mind for 2020… how fun! Thank you for continually stopping by & always having something kind to say! I’m very excited for the year to come!