Can we get real about social media for a minute? And maybe get even more real about reasons to take a break from social media once in a while. We’re all doing it – our heads stuck in a downward position staring at our phones. Subconsciously reaching for our devices at the slightest slow of busy activity. Getting FOMO over all the fake “perfection” that Instagram has become. I’m guilty. 100%. Which is exactly what has caused some recent reflection after months of frustration regarding, specifically, Instagram.
I love the ‘gram…
…I really, really do. So before I go any further, I’ll officially make a statement that I have no plans to stop using the addictive app. Obviously I use it as an extension of this online space & I do love connecting with my followers on such an instant outlet. Plus, IG has become a place where I shop, search, find inspiration and keep up with the outside world. It’s amazing how far the platform has come.
If you’re a fellow blogger, or even an “Insta-blogger”, I’m sure none of my frustrations are foreign to you. The algorithm makes it difficult not only for my followers to see my posts, but for my posts to reach new people. As a result, engagement has decreased, even for the major accounts. The pressure of adhering to the analytics of your business account (if you don’t have this, I highly recommend switching!) can be grueling – especially when working full time & managing all other social outlets. And don’t even get me started about all the cheats, bots & loop giveaways going on (a whole different topic). On top of all those things, you also have to worry about getting that “perfect shot” to fit into that little square.
Of all those points, I really try to refrain from bad-mouthing the algorithm. Quality of content should come first and foremost and honestly everything else causes my anxiety & frustration more often than not. I love engaging on the platform, but anymore, it feels like I have to be checking Instagram all day to even make the slightest impact. And I simply cannot do that. Also seeing accounts giving less effort and gaining thousands of followers by using bots & other slimy ways can feel absolutely defeating. I’ve put all my effort into focusing on my own account & not comparing to others, but let’s be real… that’s so hard.
So, after some reflecting over the past few weeks, I’ve decided to head down a different path. Maybe you loyal followers won’t even notice, because the path isn’t too far from the Instagram path I’m already on. I still want to be present, I still want to share what I feel enhances my brand and details of my life (and outfits, of course). The community and like-minded women I’ve met through Instagram have been life-changing and I have no plans to stray away. But when I realized the added stress was altering my day-to-day life, I needed to evaluate and make a change. Again, without giving up Instagram all-together, because I’ll be the first to tell you how much I do love the visual outlet.
Here’s how I’m going to do this.
I vow to:
Take a break from social media at least once a week. I can have things scheduled through trusty Tailwind, but I don’t need to manually post or engage. Furthermore, I’m going to try and leave my phone behind once in a while. I do this when I head out for a run & it’s quite refreshing.
Stop relying heavily on the analytics of Instagram. Only use them if I have a shot ready to go & can easily optimize on the information. It’s great information & does improve my performance. However, if I’m out and about and a picture works, I’ll post it when I can. If you followers love it, I trust you’ll engage no matter the time (& hopefully you see it!).
Refrain from grabbing my phone whenever I have a free minute. I can’t imagine all the interesting things I’m missing while my eyes stare at a screen. Or all the inspiration that passes me by because I’m not using my brain. I love sharing the most I can with you all, but there are times when it’s unnecessary.
End the comparison game. I have already been working on this, but I’m going to get even better. The more I focus on other people’s Instagram success, the less likely I am to create my own. But, I’m always one to support my fellow bloggers, especially those with amazing, authentic content – so I will not stop that. Girl power.
I’ve had these thoughts in my head, but writing them down makes them feel even more realistic. I can do this! And I encourage you to do whatever feels right for you. If Instagram causes excess stress or anxiety in your life sometimes, take steps to remedy the issue. No social platform is worth compromising your happiness or day-to-day quality of life. Also… keep in mind Instagram is 100% a highlight reel for everyone. I understand a lot gets shared – happy and sad – but either way, you’re never seeing someone’s entire life or situation. I think we all need that reminder sometimes.
How do you feel about social media? Do you ever get stressed out over it?
xoxo. B
PREACH, girl! <3
I knew you’d love it!
Love that you’re so honest and open with your feelings on this subject! Like you said, you’re definitely not alone. I’ve found myself lately only posting on Instagram once a week (if even that!) because that’s just what works for me these days. The comparison game and constant feeling to “keep up” was getting on my nerves, and that’s not how I want to live my life. I know the blogging world has drastically changed so much, but I’m still a believer that it should be first and foremost FUN. Keep doing you, girl – I’m such a fan of your authenticity and always keeping it real.
Ah, thanks Karly! I completely agree with being fun – it’s why we all started in the first place & that should never go away! And seriously, the comparison game is real. I just feel the less I focus on the analytics and more on what feels natural, the more people respond anyway. Maybe we’ll see a shift from everyone someday 🙂