The range of people I buy for during the holidays is pretty wide. Mostly family with a variety of interests, so I always base gifts off hobbies they enjoy, favorite brands they have or even how they decorate their home. My brother is the easiest – he loves outdoor gear and specific name brand items. I can never stop buying for my mom because we love all the same things and my husband usually ends up with something for his athletic hobbies or clothes I think he needs.
But, my favorite gifts to shop for are for the ones who love to cook. Have you ever met a kitchen aficionado who doesn’t geek out over cooking gadgets or high-quality bakeware? Didn’t think so. I know this from personal experience because even if I already have something similar, being gifted an upgrade or a new serving platter to show off at the next party is always exciting.
KitchenAid Spiralizer | OXO Non-Skid Mixing Bowls | Bamboo Mixing Spoons |
Marble Cheese Server Set | Copper Tumblers | Oneida Measuring Cup Set |
OXO Pro Non-Stick Bakeware Set | Le Creuset Cast Iron French Oven
Handled Serving Bowl Set | Chalkboard Cheese Markers | Copper Cheese Knives |
Potholder | Martha Stewart Barware Tool Kit
If your recipient has a KitchenAid mixer, I would highly recommend any of their attachments, depending on your budget. The spiralizer is my favorite but they have pasta rollers, meat processors, and just about anything you can think of. If you do have a higher spending cap, I also recommend a Le Creuset french oven. Isn’t this on everyone’s list?
Cheese plates have become so popular that gifting a marble cheese plate set with accessories will make any party hostess thrilled. These copper cheese knives are to die for!
For a baking queen (or king), there are so many great options. A non-stick bakeware set will up their game along with stainless steel measuring cups. Wooden spoons, non-skid bowls and potholders are all basics they’ll be thrilled to find under the tree.
And for your mixologist, a bar tool kit or copper tumblers will make their drinks extra special.
Are you buying for any kitchen connoisseurs?
xoxo. a
Great post! I want it all 🙂
Thank you! Me too!
I loveee kitchen gifts, maybe if the little chef in me but this is totally a great gift giving idea. I love Le Creuset such a good brand!
xo, JJ