I really do understand why people hate reality TV and I’ll support most of the arguments. But I’m also guilty of watching, getting hooked and following all of the “stars” on social media. The Kardashian’s, Robertson’s and Rich Kids are a few that have stuck around on my IG feed. I know, I know.. but I can’t look away!
So when a show like House of DVF combines reality with a high-end fashion empire, you know I won’t miss it. Two seasons have past now and Diane Von Furstenberg has hired two brand ambassadors to represent her famous fashion lines around the globe. During the second season, I rooted for Hanna Beth (check out her blog here) from the beginning. She was a bit of a mystery, but her style was to die for, and she pulled out the win. Then she released a book in January which was pre-ordered, signed and on my doorstep a few days later.
Covered In Glitter is a short, easy read about HB’s life before and after the DVF show. She battled with drug and alcohol addiction, had an unstable childhood and overcame it to start a modeling, blogging and fashion career.
Having a true interest in Hanna Beth is key to thoroughly enjoying this book and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who hasn’t followed her or isn’t currently following her. It is written honestly and resembles a collection of blog posts, which I can appreciate, but not everyone will.
I love learning where famous people started and how they got here – they’re real people with real stories and struggles. I have even more biographies on my list to read yet this year, including:
Yes Please – Amy Poehler
#GirlBoss – Sophia Amoruso
Strong Looks Better Naked – Khloe Kardashian
Have you read any good books or biographies lately?
Onto the next one..
*To read more about my book choices, check out my answers to 50 book questions here, or scroll through Goodreads on my sidebar!
xoxo. a
Hello, Agnes! I found you on “Commenting Bootcamp.” I’m not sure why but I was drawn to your blog. Yes, I have checked out the Kardashians but know nothing about the Robertson’s or Rich Kids. I’m aware of some fashion names like DVF, but don’t give it much more thought. Yet, you’re right! They didn’t just “arrive.” They have a story about their journey to become a household name. I’m curious…how does reading these stories impact your day-to-day life? How did “Covered in Glitter” impact your life? What is the “pay-off”?
Hi Gina! Thank you for stopping by – I always love to hear my blog drew someone in, even if you’re not sure why 🙂
Good question! I’m not sure if it really affects my day-to-day life, but it does make me appreciate that “celebrity” or maybe not appreciate them as much. They’re kind of on a pedestal in our society and we’re intrigued by them because of what they show us – not necessarily who they really are. In some cases it is two of the same, but other’s it’s not. If they’re honest and share true stories about themselves, it brings them down to earth for me. I’m obsessed with learning about people’s beginnings. Knowing where they started makes me feel like if I met them someday, I could actually talk to them instead of snapping a selfie right away! And to them, their lives are completely normal, just like ours are to us – it’s their reality – and I find that extremely intriguing!
Have you read any good biographies or memoirs?